We are The Institution of Engineering and Technology. (IET)
Working together to engineer a better world
We are the IET, and as a diverse, multi-disciplinary and international professional home, as well as a registered charity, our purpose is to ‘promote the general advancement of science, engineering and technology and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on these subjects amongst the members of IET and otherwise’.
The IET, its members and volunteers therefore work with other stakeholders in our space to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.
Our strategy
Our strategy sets the direction for the institution with the aim of increasing the positive impact for society delivered by the engineering and technology sector, while ensuring the IET remains financially sustainable.
The following information aims to clearly articulate our strategy to our members, colleagues and wider stakeholders, and is underpinned by supporting strategies and detailed roadmaps that describe how it will be implemented.
Our audiences
We work hand in hand with a wide and varied group of stakeholders to deliver our vision and provide the support and knowledge frameworks that the engineering and technology community requires in order to fulfil its professional goals. These stakeholders and desired outcomes fit broadly into four categories.
By maintaining our focus on our audiences, the IET will remain relevant and effective in delivering the vision through our mission to inspire, inform and influence.
Our themes
Our long-term strategy is made up of five Strategic Themes that reflect the unique capabilities of the IET which drive the delivery of our Mission. Each theme is supported by a three-to-five year plan of activity, informed by a rolling review of the longer-term horizon and coordinated through a unified roadmap:
Meeting the needs of society
Understanding the importance for society of addressing the most pressing and enduring issues, we recognise a particular commitment is required to address the biggest engineering and technology challenges facing society. We believe these to be Sustainability and Climate Change, and the safe and equitable adoption of new technology in a Digital Future.
Engineering and technology touches everyone’s lives and the safety, quality and sustainability of our community’s solutions require a culture of professionalism and integrity which is recognised by society.
We believe this starts with inclusive access into engineering and technology careers via structured and more flexible routes, including apprenticeship and degrees, to provide a sound base of fundamental knowledge and practical skills which can be developed in the workplace through lifelong learning.
Membership of the IET represents a commitment to these ideals, and formal recognition of professional competence provides a clear indication of personal capability, maintained through a commitment to Continued Professional Development.
With the continuous development of technology and its applications, the IET will bring the engineering and technology communities together to define and share best practice and develop globally recognised standards.
What we want to be
- Setting, upholding and consistently raising ethics and standards for engineering education, practice and professionalism.
- The leading and home institution for emerging and growing disciplines, embracing our cross-discipline nature, and diversifying our ‘core’ membership.
- A leader in setting the benchmarks of professional practice and ethics in engineering and technology.
- Leading the way in promoting a more diverse pipeline of people into engineering and technology careers.
Core to the IET’s purpose and activities is supporting engineering organisations and individual engineers and technicians as they transition from education to continue learning and developing their skills throughout their careers.
We recognize the importance of connecting them to their peers and the transition from education to the early stages of their careers.
We will engage with the engineering and technology community both within and beyond our membership, expanding our reach through our events, connectivity and learning opportunities; Bring individuals and organisations together around key topics.
By meeting the evolving needs of engineers and technicians as new technology is developed, connecting professionals to their peers and providing an effective way for them to gain skills and demonstrate their personal and professional development, we will be able to deliver value to our community and wider society.
What we want to be
- First of mind in the facilitation of events and networks for the transfer of engineering and technical knowledge.
- The leader among PEIs in facilitating peer-to-peer learning and mentoring for engineers and technicians, allowing competence and skills development at all career stages.
- Providing engineers and technicians with the ability to demonstrate their professional qualifications, achievements and credentials.
- Engaging and supporting industry and academic partners to co-create learning and development solutions relevant to the wider sector.
Thought Leadership and Policy
We will be the natural first call for policymakers seeking credible, independent advice relating to engineering and technology, trusted to provide the right information at the right time to the right people.
External measure for the profession: Engineering and engineering thinking referenced regularly in UK public policy.
The IET is committed to becoming a leader in raising awareness of the positive impact that engineering and technology can have on societal challenges. We do this by providing evidence-based information to policymakers when they need it and influencing them to adopt a whole systems approach to resolve complex national and global challenges.
We have an independent status that allows us the unique ability to bring together experts from across sectors and subject areas to share expertise, disrupt and challenge fixed ideas, and develop innovative solutions that can inform public policy.
Public trust is strengthened by our work as we ensure that engineers from diverse backgrounds are seen and heard in the media as relevant and credible experts. Our work with policy makers helps build a regulatory environment that gives the public confidence that emerging technologies are secure and can accelerate positive societal change.
What we want to be
- The leading evidence-based voice of the engineering and technology profession in our chosen topics.
- The trusted source of independent and timely information for policy makers.
- Strong proponents of using engineering thinking, like taking a whole systems approach, to address complex societal challenges.
- A neutral space where engineers from different sectors and subjects can come together in safety to have brave discussions to develop solutions and inform public policy.
- Active in building public trust in emerging technologies, giving them confidence that engineering and technology can help accelerate positive change.
- A place where experts with a diversity of experience, background, and perspective are a visible part of building the policy solutions.
The IET supports the global science and technology research community in solving the most pressing societal challenges by providing information, intelligence, and analytics solutions. We do this through our range of journal and book publications, library, and archives, and indexing and analytics tools that expose deep connections across the scientific and technical literature.
We will develop and expand our research solutions by; supporting early career researchers; expanding quality content across engineering and technology; incorporating more commercial and government research into our current academic research focus; and moving away from being known as a “publisher” to a provider of “intelligence and analytics”.
By doing this and strengthening the connections across the IET’s content, we will enhance our standing as a Learned Society of global renown, focusing on the need for trust among providers of knowledge services into the research industry.
What we want to be
- A Learned Society of world renown to fill the increasing need for trusted partners in providing services in research discourse.
- Evolving the IET’s presence in research content and communities to incorporate commercial, government and academic research activities.
- Expanding the IET’s activity beyond publishing so the IET is known instead as a solution provider of intelligence and analytics.
- A leader in open research in engineering and technology transforming research for an Open Science world.
- The information provider of choice for the engineering and technology sector, with specialism in chosen fields.
The future health of the engineering profession, as well as public perceptions of engineering and technology is dependent upon young people being aware of, and interested in, STEM topics. That interest needs to be maintained throughout their education to the point where they can choose to advance their own STEM knowledge through high quality further and higher education.
Factors influencing education outcomes include parental understanding and attitudes towards engineering and technology careers, representation in the curriculum, the quality of teaching provision, access to inspiring experiences and relevant careers advice.
We will collaborate with other stakeholders wherever appropriate to ensure inclusive, engaging, and attractive routes into engineering and technology careers.
What we want to work with others to do
- Influence Engineering and Technology elements of STEM to become a core part of the UK under 16 curriculum.
- Provide actionable evidence of best practice and innovation in STEM education.
- Support teachers and parents to inspire students into STEM education and careers.
- Ensure clear and consistent careers advice is available for all routes into engineering and technology careers.
- Provide accreditation of high-quality tertiary education programmes, internationally.
Our strategy on a page
Thank you. To learn more about how we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering and technology community, visit liuyang1999.com
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, we’re happy to listen, just email strategy@liuyang1999.com